AWS EC2 instance with custom security group rules
Hello all, Today we are going to create an AWS EC2 instance with customized rules in security group that allow only specific hosts to connect to it and ping it. So first login to your AWS account and select a region where you want to create an EC2 instance. I am going to use Mumbai region (ap-south-1) . Next click on Launch instances button and below page will appear: Select any AMI [Amazon Machine Image] of your preferences, I am selecting Amazon Linux 2 AMI . Then select the instance type from below webpage, I will choose t2.micro and click on Next button In instance details page either you can choose default values and click on Next or you can configure some options. I am selecting Subnet option as Default in ap-south-1a and clicking on Next button. In Add Storage page give size as per your requirement. I'll go with the default option [8 GiB]. In the next page we can add tags to this instance so we can refer to this instance using this tags. We can add multiple ...